UK Tier 5 Temporary Work Visa

What is UK Tier 5 Temporary Work Visa?
The UK Tier 5 Temporary Work Visa, now known as the T5 (Temporary Worker) routes of the Immigration Rules, allows individuals to come to the UK for temporary work in specific sectors. The T5 (Temporary Worker) routes include:
- Creative or Sporting Worker
- Charity Worker
- Religious Worker
- Government Authorised Exchange Worker
- International Agreement Worker
- Seasonal Worker
Temporary Worker – Charity Worker visa (T5):
You can apply for a Temporary Worker – Charity Worker visa (T5) if:
- You want to do unpaid voluntary work for a charity.
- You meet the other eligibility requirements.
This visa has replaced the Tier 5 (Temporary Worker – Charity Worker) visa.
What is stay duration of Charity Worker visa (T5)?
Up to 12 months or the time given on your certificate of sponsorship plus 14 days, whichever is shorter.
You can enter the UK up to 14 days before the start date of your job.
Temporary Worker – Creative and Sporting Visa (T5)
You can apply for a Temporary Worker – Creative and Sporting visa (T5) if:
- You have been offered work in the UK as a sportsperson or creative worker.
- You meet the other eligibility requirements, including having a certificate of sponsorship from a licensed employer.
A creative worker includes actors, dancers, musicians, or film crew members.
Stay Duration:
- Up to 12 months, or the time given in your certificate of sponsorship plus up to 28 days, whichever is shorter.
- You may be able to extend your visa. Your stay must start no more than 14 days before the start date on your certificate of sponsorship.
Temporary Worker – Government Authorised Exchange Visa (T5)
You can apply for a Temporary Worker – Government Authorised Exchange visa (T5) if:
- You want to come to the UK for a short time for work experience, training, an Overseas Government Language Programme, research, or a fellowship through an approved government authorised exchange scheme.
- You have a sponsor and meet the other eligibility requirements.
Stay Duration:
- Up to 12 or 24 months (depending on the scheme you’re applying for) or the time given on your certificate of sponsorship plus 14 days, whichever is shorter.
- You can enter the UK up to 14 days before the start date of your job.
Temporary Worker – International Agreement Worker Visa (T5)
You can apply for a Temporary Worker – International Agreement Worker visa (T5) if:
- You will be contracted to do work covered by international law or treaty while in the UK, such as working for a foreign government, as a private servant in a diplomatic household, or providing a service under contract as a contractual service supplier or independent professional.
Stay Duration:
- In most cases, up to 2 years or the time given on your certificate of sponsorship plus up to 28 days, whichever is shorter.
- In certain cases, up to 6 months in any 12-month period or the time given on your certificate of sponsorship plus 14 days, whichever is shorter.
Temporary Worker – Religious Worker Visa (T5)
- You can apply for a Temporary Worker – Religious Worker visa (T5) if:
- You want to do religious work in a non-pastoral role or religious order.
- You meet the other eligibility requirements.
Stay Duration:
- Up to 24 months or up to 28 days more than the time on your certificate of sponsorship. You may be sponsored for a shorter period.
Seasonal Worker Visa (T5)
You can apply for a Seasonal Worker visa (T5) if:
- You want to come to the UK for up to 6 months to do farm work.
- You have a sponsor and meet the other eligibility requirements.
Stay Duration:
- Up to 6 months. You can enter the UK as soon as your visa is valid (up to 14 days before the start date of your job).
Youth Mobility Scheme Visa (T5)
You can apply for a Youth Mobility Scheme visa (T5) if:
- You want to live and work in the UK for up to 2 years.
- You are aged 18 to 30.
- You have £2,530 in savings.
- You have certain types of British Nationality or are from certain countries or territories.
- You meet the other eligibility requirements.
Stay Duration:
- Up to 24 months. You can enter the UK at any time while your visa is valid and leave and come back at any time during your stay.
- If you turn 31 while in the UK, you can stay for as long as your visa is valid.
Basic Benefits of T5 Routes
- Applicants cannot switch between different T5 (Temporary Worker) routes but can apply for extensions on the same T5 route if they have not exceeded the maximum grant of leave allowed on that route.
- Dependent partners and children can come to the UK to join a person granted entry clearance or leave to remain as a T5 (Temporary Worker), provided they meet the requirements of the rules.
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What is the stay duration permitted on a Religious Worker visa (T5)?
You will be given a visa to live and work in the UK for up to 24 months or up to 28 days more than the time on your certificate of sponsorship. You may be sponsored for a shorter period.
Seasonal Worker visa (T5):
You can apply for a Seasonal Worker visa (T5) if you want to come to the UK for up to 6 months to do farm work. You will need to:
- Have a sponsor
- Meet the other eligibility requirements
- This visa has replaced the Tier 5 Seasonal Worker visa.
What is the stay duration allowed on a Seasonal Worker visa (T5)?
You can stay in the UK for up to 6 months. You can enter the UK as soon as your visa is valid (up to 14 days before the start date of your job).
Youth Mobility Scheme visa (T5):
- You can apply for a Youth Mobility Scheme visa (T5) if you:
- Want to live and work in the UK for up to 2 years
- Are aged 18 to 30
- Have £2,530 in savings
- Have certain types of British Nationality or are from certain countries or territories
- Meet the other eligibility requirements
- This visa has replaced the Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme) visa.
What is the stay duration allowed on a Youth Mobility Scheme visa (T5)?
You will be given a visa to live and work in the UK for up to 24 months. You can enter the UK at any time while your visa is valid, and leave and come back at any time during your stay. If you turn 31 while you are in the UK, you can stay for as long as your visa is valid.
What are the basic benefits granted on T5 routes?
Applicants cannot switch between the different T5 (Temporary Worker) routes; however, they can apply for extensions on the same T5 route if they have not exceeded the maximum grant of leave allowed on that route.
The following dependants are allowed to come to the UK to join a person granted entry clearance or leave to remain as a T5 (Temporary Worker), provided they meet the requirements of the rules:
- Dependent partner
- Dependent children